Journey of Faith

Welcome to the Faith Formation Page


Saint Mary’s, Saints Mary and Martha, Our Lady of the Snow, & Good Shepherd Catholic Community

“And it happened that, while he was with them at table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight. Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32-34)

We offer Dynamic, Authentically Catholic, and Christ Centered Programs for students in Pre-K through High School, Families, and Adults!

The three dimensions of our programs are:

  1. Encounter
  2. Engage
  3. Witness

Why Catholic Faith Formation?

The most fulfilling aspects of our lives are often the relationships we have, are they not?  How much joy and peace can be found in the eyes of our Beloved?  What joy in holding and beholding our children as they grow.  Yet, we are all called to something even more joyful, more peaceful, with even more promise and purpose, because we are each and every one of us called to a very real and intimate relationship with a very real and living God.  Our faith doesn’t make sense apart from relationship. It is all about relationship! Jesus came that we might know HIm and be in relationship with Him. Jesus desires that each of us follow him as a Disciple.

We are formed as a disciple of Jesus Christ from the first moments of our life until the moment we take our last breath. Formation consists of living the Sacramental and Liturgical life of the Church, through study and prayer, and through the Works of Mercy.

Faith Formation at Saint Mary’s, Saints Mary and Martha, Our Lady of the Snow and Good Shepherd Catholic Community is all about forming lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ! Join us and together we will journey in growing as disciples of Jesus Christ and share His message of Love!

You will find Faith Formation Information including faith formation programs and sacramental preparation here!

Please contact the Faith Formation Office with any questions about Faith Formation programs or Sacramental Preparation!

In the Peace of Christ,

Mr. Carlo Stebbings, Director of Religious Education

[email protected]

Sr. Anne Saphara-Administrative Assistant

[email protected]>

Office Number: 315-252-7593

Office: 299 Clark St, Auburn NY, 13021