HOMILY SERIES… John, Chapter 6

Beginning July 25, 2021 (The 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time) , the Gospel readings were taken sequentially from Chapter 6 of St. John’s Gospel. This is Jesus’ great teaching on the Eucharist! And it is section of Scripture that all Catholics should know and be able to explain.

What follows is Fr. Van Lieshout’s homily series on this mystery which is the “source and summit” of the Christian life!

Week 1: Eucharistic Implications of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes (John 6: 1-15)

Week 2: The Manna from Heaven (John 6: 24-35)

Week 3: Jesus’ Identity and the Centrality of Faith (John 6: 41-51)

Week 4: The New Bread from Heaven (John 6: 51-58)

Week 5: “To Whom Shall We Go” (John 6: 60-69)

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